Colin Cawthorne
West Los Angeles +1 (310) 936 4055
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Using the most accessible building materials, this table can scale anyway you like to provide a desk or dining surface. Built with 2x4s, 4x4s, and shop plywood.


Teak Table

This commissioned table was directly inspired by architect Mies van der Rohe, and the furniture he designed for the Farnsworth House. The top surface is made from laminated boards of solid 8/4 teak, and the legs out of chrome plated steel tubing. A steel substructure, as well as the mounting plates for the legs, are recessed into the underside of the table.



Clearly a direct attempt at recreating Donald Judd’s Library Desk, this commissioned table takes every cue possible from the famous designer. A utilitarian design that lends itself to a working desk or drafting table, this table is made from cheap affordable grade plywood. Once again, I did not design this table.



This dining table and matching bench set is made from ¾ maple plywood, with solid maple edging. The commissioned design combines the functionality of plywood with the elegance of solid hardwood.