Colin Cawthorne
West Los Angeles +1 (310) 936 4055
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Colin Cawthorne is a multidisciplinary artist from West Los Angeles. Using his formal training as an architect, he deploys a rigor and curiosity to investigations in aesthetics, material, scale and function. His work is process driven, changes and mutates throughout its creation, and often still in progress. Mediums of interest are as follows: Painting, sculpture, furniture, architecture. Just following his graduation from Pratt in 2017, Colin worked for several fabrication studios. There he began to learn the tools and techniques of furniture making, and explored new methods of creation and experimentation. Since, he has started his own design practice, focusing on furniture and digital fabrication. The studio, LAG, is a testing ground for aesthetic exploration, contextualizing multiple discourses into art and object.

West Los Angeles, California.

2017 - Pratt Institute BArch

West Los Angeles, California.

2017 - Pratt Institute BArch