Colin Cawthorne
West Los Angeles +1 (310) 936 4055
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Restaurant Booths

Custom designed and built for a new restaurant at Hotel Figueroa in downtown LA. These walnut booths are made from walnut plywood with solid walnut edging throughout. Custom cushions were designed and built with the assistance of upholstery Luis Salazar.


Robinson Studio

Made for designer Brett Robinson’s LA studio. Sapele plywood with solid sapele edging for both the bookshelf and the kitchenette area.


Plinth Bed

The client for this bed frame wanted drum-like objects supporting the platform of a bed. We created this design, and had interior ribs CNCd, to create a substructure. I then bent ¼ inch plywood around the interior substructure.



Made for the apparel company Splits59. They needed affordable, reconfigurable desks that could create clusters of co-work spaces, with a single partition. Made from plywood, with black formica laminated on the tops.